
all my secrets!!! jk

june 22, 2024

whewwww it's been a minute! just wanted to say my life has been a complete and utter shitshow and rollercoaster the past few weeks, hence my absence. was having a bit of a rough patch with my boyfriend (much better now!), then he got sick, and then his family suddenly had a big medical crisis :( so i've been caretaker and supporting him/his family while also trying to juggle finishing rigging commissions and keeping the apartment relatively clean.

due to his not feeling great, my boyfriend has also been not super loving and affectionate, which is making everything more difficult to deal with for me. i know he's very appreciative and i don't blame him for being just meh all the time but it's still hard so i just wanted to vent a little bit (that's what diaries are for, right !?!?)

thank you to whoever reads/skims this for listening <3 it will get better eventually!!

may 31, 2024

i got a few goodies from graduation.... one of them being a flip phone!! specifically the kyocera digno ky-42c. this little guy is like fucking awesomesauce ngl. i was too young for the peak of the flip phone, i did have a slide phone when i was in elementary school but by then the iphone was just dominating society.... but now!! i get to live the flip phone life!!!

this bad boy is just like, the coolest thing ever. it runs android 10 so i have the luxury of installing apks via ADB, but it has no touch screen functionality so it prevents me from mindless scrolling on social media when i'm out an about.

i ALSOOO got a NAS!! my university gives us an unlimited storage google drive, but that will expire a year from my graduation date. i don't want to pay google a monthly fee for cloud storage so i said fuck it and got two 8tb hard drives to data hoarde. so far the only issue i've run into is i can't write NEW files to it from my vtuber rigging software... for some reason. oh well.

sidenote: i passed all my classes!!! so i am OFFICIAL GUYS!!!! BA IN DESIGN!! WOOOOO

may 22, 2024

hoooly shit i am DONE WITH SCHOOL!! just waiting for my professors to finish grading everything...

i feel like ever since i started school at the ripe age of 6 i wanted to be done with it. not that i was bad at school ever, but i just hated being away from home and having stuff (aka HOMEWORK) hanging over my head all the time. but now...... I AM FINALLY FUCKING DONEE WEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!

in other news, yesterday i went to this really cool restaurant with my boyfriend. it was a combo of hot pot and korean bbq!!! we were grillin and sippin hehe. i fully regret not ordering a bowl of rice at the beginning tho bc i really needed something to cleanse my palate betwen bbq and hot pot.. savory hot pot soup does not mix well with the sweet marinades for kbbq :(